Click here to find out about Pennsylvania’s 2023 Trail of the Year.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to read the 2025 President’s Message.

The club’s home is at 48 West Main Street in Mount Jewett. We meet here the fourth Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.

Photo courtesy of Tom Huntoon

Looking forward to closing the “missing link”

One of the questions we hear most often is, When will the 3.5-mile section between Kanesholm and Lantz Corners be completed? The Trail Association of the McKean/Elk Divide (TAMED), the group developing the portion of the Knox & Kane Rail Trail from the Forest/Elk County Line south of Kane to Route 219 at Lantz Corners, expects to close this “missing link” during the 2025 construction season. In anticipation of that work, last fall TAMED members installed decking and railing on this 490-foot-long trestle just west of Lantz Corners along Route 6. If you’d like to check out the trestle, the trail there is passable but not yet developed. You can access the trail where it crosses Round House Road (Township Route 449) about one mile west of Lantz Corners, then head east.

Important information:
Kinzua Bridge State Park Skywalk rehabilitation project

Please note that while work on the bridge is occurring, users cannot go to the very end of the trail at the Skywalk. The northernmost trail access point now is onto the park road near the entrance to the overflow parking area. Visit the park’s website for updates. You can also click on the image at right for a downloadable/printable version of the information sheet.

You can’t miss the bright orange detour signs at Kinzua Bridge State Park!

Attention off-road vehicle operators!

Side-by-sides, four-wheelers and dirt bikes are NOT PERMITTED on any portion of the Knox & Kane Rail Trail. The MJ2KB section of the trail is under camera surveillance. If we identify you from a photo or video, we have the option to turn this information over to the Pennsylvania State Police for prosecution. Vehicle use damages the trail surface and endangers other users. Thank you for your cooperation!

Biking the 2023 Trail of the Year

Now that our segment from Lantz Corners to Kinzua Bridge State Park is completed, we invited Rob and Babbi Keener back for another ride on the trail. Check out their video!

Note: To access and print the form you may need to download free software available via this link.

Note: To access and print the form you may need to download free software available via this link.

Become a member!

MEMBERSHIP FORM Click Here. Or send us an email and we will send you a membership form. Email us at Scroll to bottom to find out more information about the trail club, including our Mission Statement, “By-Laws” and Fundraisers. Your support helps us to maintain the Knox & Kane Rail Trail.

2024 bike raffle winner

Congratulations to Allen Claypool of Indiana, PA, the winner of our 2024 e-bike raffle. Allen (left) is shown being congratulated by Ron Keim, MJ2KB Vice President. Thanks to all who took a chance on our raffle items. The proceeds go toward maintaining our section of the Knox & Kane Rail Trail. Click here to see our current fundraising items and watch for our 2025 raffle!

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The Knox & Kane Rail Trail is open for trail users

Go to our Trail Safety page to see cautions and trail user updates. This is your rail trail - be safe & enjoy!

Who can use the Knox & Kane Rail Trail between the Kinzua Bridge State Park and Lantz Corners? SEE PICTURES ABOVE. Walkers/hikers, Disabled persons with or without motorized mobility aids, bicyclists and e-bikes (not to exceed a 36-inch maximum width and maximum speed of 10 mph; class 1 e-bikes - 750W, 1hp), joggers/runners, equestrians and also skiers, snowshoers and snowmobilers (max speed limit 25 mph) during snowy times of the year. Trail users should obey all signs posted on the trail (click HERE to see signs). For more, visit the Plan Your Visit page.

Equestrian picnic area near the Kinzua Bridge State Park. Access from the Knox & Kane Rail Trail, following the signs.

Equestrian picnic area near the Kinzua Bridge State Park. Access from the Knox & Kane Rail Trail, following the signs.

Two memorial/dedication benches for Josh Gustafson; Amy Marie Mountain and William & Doris Bonini. Concrete benches manufactured by M and B Redi-Mix.

Two memorial/dedication benches for Josh Gustafson; Amy Marie Mountain and William & Doris Bonini. Concrete benches manufactured by M and B Redi-Mix.


The Trail Club Allows trail users an opportunity to adopt sections of the Knox & Kane rail trail (from Lantz Corners to the Kinzua Bridge State Park). We will sign you up for your preferred section of trail, and you will be responsible for light maintenance of that portion of rail trail. If you or your family has donated benches, you may like to make their location your adopted area. You may plant flowers, bulbs, and decorate around your bench. We prefer you become a trail club member, so that you are covered under our insurance for doing any type of maintenance on the rail trail. (See below for membership forms)

We still have sections of trail available for adoption. Just send us an email if you’re interested in adopting a section of trail: See the Join / Volunteer / Donate page for more information.

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STARTING AT THE SOUTHERN END IN CLARION COUNTY - The 20 mile corridor of the Knox & Kane rail bed aka Rail 66 Country Trail starts at Clarion Junction (Rt 322) in Paint Township and stretches north along Rt 66 to the Clarion/Forest County line in the Village of Vowinckel Go to for information.

FROM THERE, TRAVEL THROUGH FOREST COUNTY - Volunteers have completed 8 miles of rail trail along with support from Jenks Township.

TAMED COMES NEXT (Trail Association of the McKean/Elk Divide) - Starting at the Elk & McKean county lines, TAMED has 23 miles of Rail Trail, stopping at US Route 219 in McKean County Go to for more information & pictures.

FINALLY, MJ2KB (Mt Jewett to Kinzua Bridge) TRAIL CLUB - Our group maintains 8 miles from US Route 219 to the end of the Knox & Kane Rail Trail at the Kinzua Bridge State Park’s Skywalk. Contact us at or visit our Facebook page at

Go to our “HISTORY” page to learn about the Knox & Kane Rail Corridor and how the MJ2KB Trail Club got started.

Knox & Kane Corridor with rails

Knox & Kane Corridor rails

Carolyn Stroup

Carolyn Stroup

2025 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: I want to take this opportunity to thank the MJ2KB Board of Directors and our active members for all the work you do, making our part of the Knox & Kane Rail Trail a beautiful outdoor adventure for all types of trail users.  And to all our members, we sincerely thank you for your support. Memberships, donations, fundraisers & grants are so valuable to the success in keeping a rail tail in top condition for the enjoyment of our community and visitors to McKean County. As our memberships continue to grow, we look forward to welcoming new members in 2025.

Although 2024 was not as busy as previous years, MJ2KB still managed to accomplish many projects along our section of the KKRT between US Route 219 and the Kinzua Bridge State Park. We received funding from the ARPA grant monies for a project at our Mt Jewett (Center Street) parking lot.  We separated the rail trail from the parking lot and filled it in with TSA material, making it a smoother surface for trail users.

We also applied for the Act 13 Greenways grant in December and will be awarded those funds this year to continue making improvements to the rail trail.

Just a reminder we are now meeting at our new location at the Jackson Building in Mt Jewett. 48 W Main Street every 4th Thursday of the each month @ 7:00 PM. For more information about the trail or our trail club, you can contact us at or give me a call – 815.778.5170.


Carolyn Stroup,



PS – If you’d like to share your pictures with us while visiting the rail trail, send them to our email address and we can put them on our website or Facebook page.

About us

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Find out about our organization; its MISSION, meetings and FUNDRAISERS. Click here for our BYLAWS.

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Concrete “wood-look” bench. BENCH FUNDRAISER CLICK HERE

Concrete benches are $500

Make this a memorial to a loved one or advertise your business. Your plaque* (included) will be customized to your request. You choose the location, we’ll place it on the trail. ($100 extra for engraving into the concrete) Click HERE for an application.

*Plaques are made of plastic resin & your choice of color. Print will either be black or white. Some images are available with your lettering.

Maintaining a trail requires a lot of money. Donate or become a member now. Funding comes from memberships, grants & donations.